YMSG Java API - Yahoo Instant Messenger Support for Java

This page lists the properties which the jYMSG API will respond to. These are mainly for infrequently used configuration options, such as changing the hosts to which the API connects or setting connection timeouts.

Properties may be set on the command line by using the -D switch. They may also be set programatically via methods in the java.lang.System class.

Part 1: jYMSG API Properties
Name: ymsg.debug
Purpose: Switches debugging info on to STDOUT.
Cached: When Util.class is loaded by JVM (unchangable at runtime).
Default: "false"
Example: "true" "false"
Name: ymsg.network.loginTimeout
Purpose: Sets timeout in seconds for session/chat logins. 0 = off.
Cached: Never.
Default: "60"
Example: "23" "0" "-1"
Name: ymsg.network.directHost
Purpose: Sets the Yahoo host when using jYMSG directly or via SOCKS.
Cached: With each Direct/SOCKSConnectionHandler instantiation.
Default: "scs.msg.yahoo.com"
Name: ymsg.network.directPorts
Purpose: Sets the Yahoo ports when using jYMSG directly. The first port in the list is the primary port, subsequent ports are fallbacks.
Cached: With each Direct/SOCKSConnectionHandler instantiation.
Default: "5050,23,25,80"
Name: ymsg.network.httpHost
Purpose: Sets the Yahoo host when using jYMSG via HTTP.
Cached: With each HTTPConnectionHandler instantiation.
Default: "http.pager.yahoo.com"
Name: ymsg.network.httpProxyAuth
Purpose: Sets the Proxy-Authorization header for HTTPConnectionHandler.
Cached: With each HTTPConnectionHandler instantiation.
Default: Not set. (Header not included if this prop. is null.)
Example: "Basic Ab0Cd1Ef2Gh3z9==" [*]
Name: ymsg.network.fileTransferHost
Purpose: Sets the Yahoo host for non-P2P file transfer.
Cached: Never.
Default: "filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com"

Part 2: Java API Properties
Name: http.proxyHost (named 'proxyHost' before Java v1.3)
Purpose: Sets the HTTP proxy host for WWW traffic.
Default: Not set.
Name: http.proxyPort (named 'proxyPost' before Java v1.3)
Purpose: Sets the HTTP proxy port for WWW traffic.
Default: Not set.
Name: http.nonProxyHosts
Purpose: Lists 'exceptions' hosts not fetched via HTTP proxy (usually internal intranet hosts).
Default: Not set.
Name: proxySet
Purpose: God knows! (Probably a switch activating proxy pre Java 1.3.)
Default: Not set. ("False"?)
Notes: JDK v1.0 to v1.2 only(?)
Name: socksProxyHost
Purpose: Set the SOCKS proxy host, for firewalls and private networks.
Default: Not set.
Name: socksProxyPort
Purpose: Set the SOCKS proxy port, for firewalls and private networks.
Default: Not set.
Name: socksProxySet
Purpose: God knows! (Probably a switch activating proxy pre Java 1.3.)
Default: Not set. ("False"?)
Notes: JDK v1.0 to v1.2 only(?)

Footnote 1:
Proxy-Authorization content takes the form of the encoding type name (eg. "Basic") followed by the encoded string "username:password" - without the quotes, and with the words replaced by their actual values. 'Basic' encoding (by far the most common) uses simple Base64.

// Example, using the unofficial 'sun.misc' package
String authString = username+":"+password;
(   "ymsg.network.httpProxyAuth" ,
    "Basic " + (new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder()).encode(authString.getBytes()) 