ALIEN - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ALT - Static variable in class MessageElement
ANGEL - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ANGER - Static variable in interface Emoticons
APPLAUSE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
AUTH - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Session status.
AccountLockedException - exception AccountLockedException.
Thrown when logging in, to indicate the account has been locked out.
AntiSpam - class AntiSpam.
Provides basic anti-spam functionality for chatrooms.
AntiSpam() - Constructor for class AntiSpam
Construct a new anti-spam instance.
acceptConferenceInvite(YahooConference) - Method in class Session
Accepts a conference invite from another user.
activateIdentity(YahooIdentity, boolean) - Method in class Session
Activates or deactivates a Yahoo identity.
addFriend(String, String) - Method in class Session
Add a user to a group.
addSessionListener(SessionListener) - Method in class Session
Adds a listener object to receive events from the session.
addTypingNotification(String, Component) - Method in class Session
Sets the AWT component being used for typing notification.
appendToDocument(String, Document) - Method in class MessageDecoder
Convenience method to convert Yahoo message to styled Swing text.
appendToDocument(Document) - Method in class MessageElement
Translates and appends this decoded message (from this node down) onto and existing Swing Document object.


BEAT_UP - Static variable in interface Emoticons
BLUSH - Static variable in interface Emoticons
BOLD - Static variable in class MessageElement
BRING_IT_ON - Static variable in interface Emoticons
BROKEN_HEART - Static variable in interface Emoticons
BUG - Static variable in interface Emoticons
buzzReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
buzzReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has sent us a buzz message.


CAPS - Static variable in class AntiSpam
Message is overwhelmingly upper case letters.
CHATTERBOX - Static variable in interface Emoticons
CHICKEN - Static variable in interface Emoticons
CLOWN - Static variable in interface Emoticons
COFFEE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
COLOUR_ABS - Static variable in class MessageElement
COLOUR_INDEX - Static variable in class MessageElement
COLOUR_NAME - Static variable in class MessageElement
CONFUSED - Static variable in interface Emoticons
CONNECT - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Chat session status.
COOL - Static variable in interface Emoticons
COW - Static variable in interface Emoticons
COWBOY - Static variable in interface Emoticons
CRYING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ConnectionHandler - class ConnectionHandler.
Abstract parent class for all connection handlers.
ConnectionHandler() - Constructor for class ConnectionHandler
chatConnectionClosed(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
chatConnectionClosed(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
The connection to a chat lobby has been lost.
chatLogin(YahooChatLobby) - Method in class Session
Requests a chat login, blocking until the login process is over.
chatLogin(YahooChatLobby, YahooIdentity) - Method in class Session
Requests a chat login, using a specific identity, blocking until the login process is over.
chatLogoffReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
chatLogoffReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has left the chatroom lobby we are currently connected to.
chatLogonReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
chatLogonReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has joined the chatroom lobby we are currently connected to.
chatLogout() - Method in class Session
Requests to be logged out of a chat room.
chatMessageReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
chatMessageReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has sent a message to the chatroom lobby we are currently connected to.
chatUserUpdateReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
chatUserUpdateReceived(SessionChatEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
An update to a chat user's details has been received.
conferenceInviteDeclinedReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
conferenceInviteDeclinedReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has declined an invite to join our conference.
conferenceInviteReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
conferenceInviteReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone is inviting us to join a conference.
conferenceLogoffReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
conferenceLogoffReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone is leaving a conference we are part of.
conferenceLogonReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
conferenceLogonReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has joined a conference we are part of.
conferenceMessageReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
conferenceMessageReceived(SessionConferenceEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has sent round a message to the conference members.
connectionClosed(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
connectionClosed(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Yahoo connection broken.
contactRejectionReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
contactRejectionReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has rejected our attempts to add them to our friends list.
contactRequestReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
contactRequestReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone wants to add us to their friends list.
createAbsoluteColour(Color) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a colour element.
createAlt(Color[]) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a alt element.
createBold() - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a bold element.
createConference(String[], String) - Method in class Session
Creates a new conference.
createConference(String[], String, YahooIdentity) - Method in class Session
Creates a new conference, using a specific identity.
createFade(Color[]) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a fade element.
createFont(Font) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a font element.
createIndexedColour(int) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a colour element.
createItalic() - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a italic element.
createListModel(YahooChatLobby, boolean) - Method in class SwingModelFactory
Create a Swing ListModel, based upon the activities of the users in a given chatroom lobby.
createListModel(YahooConference, boolean) - Method in class SwingModelFactory
Create a Swing ListModel, based upon the activities of the users in a given conference.
createNamedColour(String) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a colour element.
createRoot() - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a root element.
createText(String) - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a text element.
createTreeModel(boolean) - Method in class SwingModelFactory
Create a Swing TreeModel, based upon the activities of the users in the session's friends groups.
createUnderline() - Static method in class MutableMessageElement
Creates a new MutableMessageElement defined as a underline element.


DANCING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
DEVILISH - Static variable in interface Emoticons
DOH - Static variable in interface Emoticons
DROOLING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
DirectConnectionHandler - class DirectConnectionHandler.
Connection handler for direct connections to Yahoo.
DirectConnectionHandler(String, int) - Constructor for class DirectConnectionHandler
Connect to a specific host and port.
DirectConnectionHandler(int) - Constructor for class DirectConnectionHandler
Connect to the default host with the specified port, and will not resort the fallback.
DirectConnectionHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class DirectConnectionHandler
Connect to the default host and port, but will not resort to fallback ports if the parameter is true.
DirectConnectionHandler() - Constructor for class DirectConnectionHandler
Connect to the default host and port, or try all the fallback ports if the default port does not respond.
declineConferenceInvite(YahooConference, String) - Method in class Session
Decline a conference invite from another user.
decode(String) - Method in class MessageDecoder
Decodes a Yahoo message to an element tree.
decodeToHTML(String) - Method in class MessageDecoder
Convenience method to convert Yahoo message to HTML.
decodeToText(String) - Method in class MessageDecoder
Convenience method to convert Yahoo message to plain text.


EMOTICONS - Static variable in interface Emoticons
EYEBROW - Static variable in interface Emoticons
EYELASHES - Static variable in interface Emoticons
EmoteManager - class EmoteManager.
Creates emote texts for chat rooms.
EmoteManager(File, boolean) - Constructor for class EmoteManager
Creates an Emote list from a given file.
EmoteManager(String, boolean) - Constructor for class EmoteManager
Creates an Emote list from a given filename.
EmoteManager(URL, boolean) - Constructor for class EmoteManager
Creates an Emote list from a given URL.
EmoticonLoader - interface EmoticonLoader.
Allows the intergration of bespoke smiley images as part of message decoding.
Emoticons - interface Emoticons.
Emoticon symbol constants, etc.
encodeEmote(String, String) - Static method in class EmoteManager
Utility method to combine an Emote string (from getRoomEmote) with the supplied username.
errorMessageReceived(SessionErrorEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
A protocol level error occured.
errorPacketReceived(SessionErrorEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
extendConference(YahooConference, String, String) - Method in class Session
Invites a user to an existing conference.


FADE - Static variable in class MessageElement
FAILED - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Session status.
FLAG - Static variable in interface Emoticons
FLOOD - Static variable in class AntiSpam
Message is attempt to flood chatroom.
FONT - Static variable in class MessageElement
FRUSTRATED - Static variable in interface Emoticons
FileTransferFailedException - exception FileTransferFailedException.
Thrown when file transfer upload or download fails.
fileTransferReceived(SessionFileTransferEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
fileTransferReceived(SessionFileTransferEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
This will be called when the API becomes aware that someone is attempting to send us a file.
friendAddedReceived(SessionFriendEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
friendAddedReceived(SessionFriendEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Successfully added a friend.
friendRemovedReceived(SessionFriendEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
friendRemovedReceived(SessionFriendEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Successfully removed a friend.
friendsUpdateReceived(SessionFriendEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
friendsUpdateReceived(SessionFriendEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Friend's details have been updated.


GOOD_LUCK - Static variable in interface Emoticons
GO_ON - Static variable in interface Emoticons
GRIN - Static variable in interface Emoticons
getAbsoluteColour() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the content from an absolute colour element.
getAge() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns the age of the user, or zero if not given.
getAlias() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns the alias of this user in the current chatroom, or null if no alias.
getCategories() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Returns a list sub-categories for this category.
getCausingThrowable() - Method in class YMSG9BadFormatException
Returns the exception which cause this exception.
getChatSessionStatus() - Method in class Session
Returns the status of the chat connection.
getChatUser() - Method in class SessionChatEvent
Returns a single chat user (actually just the first user in the array of users specified) relating to this event.
getChatUsers() - Method in class SessionChatEvent
Returns an array of chat users relating to this event.
getCode() - Method in class SessionErrorEvent
Returns the error code, as detailed by Yahoo chatrooms.
getConnectionHandler() - Method in class Session
Returns the currently employed connection handler.
getCookies() - Method in class Session
Returns the three cookies Yahoo sends the client upon successful login.
getCurrentChatLobby() - Method in class Session
Returns the current chatroom lobby, or null if not logged into a chatroom.
getCustomStatusMessage() - Method in class Session
Returns the custom status message.
getCustomStatusMessage() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns this user's custom status message.
getDecoderSettings() - Method in class MessageDecoder
Return the current settings object used by this decoder, if set.
getDefaultFontFace() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns default font face name, if set.
getDefaultFontSize() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns default font size, if set.
getDefaultForeground() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns default text colour, if set.
getEmailAddress() - Method in class SessionNewMailEvent
Returns the e-mail address of the sender.
getEmoticonLoader() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns emoticon loader object, if set.
getEmoticonsDecoded() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns whether emoticons will be translated to icons.
getEmptyListModel() - Static method in class SwingModelFactory
Convenience method to create an empty list model.
getErrors() - Method in class EmoteManager
Returns the loading/parsing errors which occured during creation.
getException() - Method in class SessionExceptionEvent
Return the exception for which this event was fired.
getFont() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the content from a font element.
getFriend() - Method in class SessionFriendEvent
Returns the YahooUser to whom this event applies.
getFriends() - Method in class SessionFriendEvent
Returns the list of YahooUser's to whom this event applies.
getFrom() - Method in class SessionChatEvent
Returns the id of a single chat user relating to this event.
getFrom() - Method in class SessionEvent
Returns the from field, the Yahoo user who sent this message (this may be their actual id, or one of their identities).
getFrom() - Method in class SessionFriendEvent
Returns the id of a single user relating to this event.
getGame() - Method in class SessionNotifyEvent
Returns the game name if this is a game notification, otherwise null.
getGroup() - Method in class SessionFriendEvent
Returns the group for which this event applies.
getGroups() - Method in class Session
Gets a copy of the array of groups containing Yahoo friends.
getHost() - Method in class DirectConnectionHandler
Returns the actual host name used for this connection.
getId() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Returns the unique ID number for this category.
getId() - Method in class YahooChatRoom
Returns the unique ID used to reference this room.
getId() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns the user's Yahoo id.
getId() - Method in class YahooIdentity
Returns this identity's username.
getId() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns the Yahoo ID of this user.
getIdentities() - Method in class Session
Returns a list of valid identities for this Yahoo account.
getIdentity() - Method in class YahooConference
Returns the identity used to create this conference.
getImvironment() - Method in class Session
Returns the Imvironment string passed to the client during login.
getIndexOfFriend(String) - Method in class YahooGroup
Returns the index of a given friend with the specified ID in this group.
getIndexedColour() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the content from an index colour element.
getLobbies() - Method in class YahooChatRoom
Returns a list of lobbies for this room.
getLobby() - Method in class SessionChatEvent
Returns the chat lobby relating to this event.
getLobbyNumber() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns the lobby number.
getLocation() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns the location of this user, or null if not specified.
getLocation() - Method in class SessionFileTransferEvent
Returns the location of the file which was uploaded to Yahoo.
getLoginIdentity() - Method in class Session
Returns the login identity for this Yahoo account.
getMailCount() - Method in class SessionNewMailEvent
Gets the number of new Yahoo e-mails.
getMembers() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns a list of all current members of this chatroom lobby.
getMembers() - Method in class YahooConference
Returns the list of users who are currently in the conference.
getMembers() - Method in class YahooGroup
Returns the current membership of this group.
getMessage() - Method in class SessionEvent
Returns the message field, the ASCII or UTF-8 text of the message itself.
getMode() - Method in class SessionNotifyEvent
Returns the notification mode.
getName() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Returns the title of this category.
getName() - Method in class YahooChatRoom
Returns the name (title) of this chat room.
getName() - Method in class YahooConference
Returns the unique string identifier for this conference room.
getName() - Method in class YahooGroup
Get the group name.
getNamedColour() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the content from a named colour element.
getNames() - Method in class EmoteManager
Returns a list of all Emote names held by this manager.
getNetworkName() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns the unique network name of this lobby.
getOverrideFontFace() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns overriding font face name, if set.
getOverrideForeground() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns overriding text colour, if set.
getOverrideMaxFontSize() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns overriding maximum font size, if set.
getOverrideMinFontSize() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns overriding minimum font size, if set.
getParent() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns the parent chatroom object.
getPort() - Method in class DirectConnectionHandler
Returns the actual port number used for this connection.
getPrimaryIdentity() - Method in class Session
Returns the true identity for this Yahoo account.
getPrivateRooms() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Returns a list of private (user) rooms for this category.
getPublicRooms() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Returns a list of public (Yahoo) rooms for this category.
getRespectTextAlt() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns whether alt message components are respected.
getRespectTextFade() - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Returns whether fade message components are respected.
getRoom() - Method in class SessionConferenceEvent
Returns the conference name (room).
getRoomEmote(String) - Method in class EmoteManager
Returns the room version of a given Emote.
getService() - Method in class SessionErrorEvent
Returns the service id of the packet which caused the error.
getSessionStatus() - Method in class Session
Gets the status of the connection.
getStatus() - Method in class LoginRefusedException
Returns the status code given by the server.
getStatus() - Method in class Session
Returns the actual status of the Yahoo user.
getStatus() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns the status of this user.
getStatus() - Method in class SessionEvent
Returns the status as presented in the Yahoo packet header.
getSubject() - Method in class SessionNewMailEvent
Returns the subject line of this mail, if this event represents an actual e-mail, not just a count.
getText() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the content from a text element.
getTimestamp() - Method in class SessionEvent
Returns the timestamp field, which is used by some message types, for example off-line messages.
getTo() - Method in class SessionEvent
Returns the to field, which should (if the message is legit) contain the client's Yahoo id or one of their identities.
getTopic() - Method in class SessionConferenceEvent
Returns the welcome message sent round to introduce this conference.
getTransition() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the content from a fade or alt element.
getType() - Method in class SessionNotifyEvent
Returns the notification type, TYPING, GAME, etc.
getType() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Returns the type of this element.
getUser(String) - Method in class Session
Returns the object for the given Yahoo id string.
getUser() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns the underlying user object.
getUser() - Method in class SessionConferenceEvent
Returns the subject user object for conference events with only one user.
getUserCount() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns the initial user count.
getUserEmote(String) - Method in class EmoteManager
Returns the user version of a given Emote.
getUsers() - Method in class Session
Returns a hashtable of all users known by this session.
getUsers() - Method in class SessionConferenceEvent
Returns an array of user objects for the other users in this conference.
getViolations(String, String) - Method in class AntiSpam
Returns an integer of flags denoting which checks failed.
getVoiceCount() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns the initial voice user count.
getWebPage() - Method in class AccountLockedException
Yahoo often provides a URL to jump to for account problems.
getWebcamCount() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns the initial webcam user count.


HTTPConnectionHandler - class HTTPConnectionHandler.
Connection handler for HTTP proxy connections to Yahoo.
HTTPConnectionHandler() - Constructor for class HTTPConnectionHandler
Connect using the Java system properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort.
HTTPConnectionHandler(String, int, String) - Constructor for class HTTPConnectionHandler
Connect using a specific HTTP proxy host and port, with a list of excempt hosts.
HTTPConnectionHandler(String, int, Vector) - Constructor for class HTTPConnectionHandler
Connect using a specific HTTP proxy host and port, with a list of excempt hosts, as a Vector.
HTTPConnectionHandler(String, int) - Constructor for class HTTPConnectionHandler
Connect using a specific HTTP proxy host and port, with no excempt hosts.
HUGS - Static variable in interface Emoticons
HYPNOTIZED - Static variable in interface Emoticons
hasWebcam() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns true if this user has an accessible webcam.


IDEA - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ITALIC - Static variable in class MessageElement
IllegalIdentityException - exception IllegalIdentityException.
Thrown when an invalid identity is passed to a method.
ignoreContact(String, boolean) - Method in class Session
Change the ignore status of a Yahoo user.
inputExceptionThrown(SessionExceptionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
inputExceptionThrown(SessionExceptionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
An internal API exception occured on the input thread.
isActivated() - Method in class YahooIdentity
Returns true if this identity is currently activated.
isClosed() - Method in class YahooConference
Returns true if the conference is closed.
isCustomBusy() - Method in class Session
Returns the custom status busy flag.
isCustomBusy() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns whether this user's custom status is 'busy'.
isEmote() - Method in class SessionChatEvent
Returns true if this message is an emote.
isFemale() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns true if this user's profile shows them as female.
isFriend() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns true if this user is in one or more of the session's Friends groups.
isGame() - Method in class SessionNotifyEvent
Returns true if notification is game type.
isIgnored() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns whether messages from this user are currently ignored.
isLoggedIn() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns whether this user is logged into Yahoo.
isLoginIdentity() - Method in class YahooIdentity
Returns true if this is the login identity.
isMale() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns true if this user's profile shows them as male.
isOnChat() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns whether this user is accessing Yahoo via the chat system.
isOnPager() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns whether this user is accessing Yahoo via the pager (Instant Messager) system.
isOpen() - Method in class YahooGroup
Returns whether the group is currently open on the user interface.
isPrimaryIdentity() - Method in class YahooIdentity
Returns true if this is the primary identity.
isPublic() - Method in class YahooChatRoom
Returns true if this is a public room, false if private.
isTyping() - Method in class SessionNotifyEvent
Returns true if notification is typing type.
isWholeMail() - Method in class SessionNewMailEvent
Returns whether this event is an actual mail, or just a count.


KISS - Static variable in interface Emoticons
keyTyped(String) - Method in class Session
Manually update key notification.


LAUGHING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
LIAR_LIAR - Static variable in interface Emoticons
LOGON - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Chat session status.
LOSER - Static variable in interface Emoticons
LOVE_STRUCK - Static variable in interface Emoticons
LoginRefusedException - exception LoginRefusedException.
Thrown when login using fails, often because of a bad username or password.
leaveConference(YahooConference) - Method in class Session
Leaves a conference.
listReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
listReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
The complete groups/friends list update has been received.
loadCategories() - Static method in class YahooChatCategory
Top-level method which loads the entire chat category tree.
loadCategories(Session) - Static method in class YahooChatCategory
User-specific version of parameter-less loadCategories method, used to fetch the root of the chat category tree.
loadEmoticon(int) - Method in interface EmoticonLoader
Load and return a given smiley icon.
login(String, String) - Method in class Session
Requests the session be logged in.
logout() - Method in class Session
Requests the session be logged out (disconnected).


MESSAGING - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Session status.
MONEY_EYES - Static variable in interface Emoticons
MONKEY - Static variable in interface Emoticons
MessageDecoder - class MessageDecoder.
This message decoder class is designed to work along side the main jYMSG classes, accepting raw message strings from Yahoo, and translating them into something a bit more Java-friendly.
MessageDecoder() - Constructor for class MessageDecoder
Create a new instance of a decoder.
MessageDecoder(MessageDecoderSettings) - Constructor for class MessageDecoder
Create a new instance of a decoder, using settings.
MessageDecoderSettings - class MessageDecoderSettings.
This class acts in tandem with the MessageDecoder, to give control over how the translated output is styled.
MessageDecoderSettings() - Constructor for class MessageDecoderSettings
MessageElement - class MessageElement.
This class represents an element in a decoded Yahoo message.
MessageElement() - Constructor for class MessageElement
MutableMessageElement - class MutableMessageElement.
A mutable object model element which can be output as a Yahoo IM or chat encoded message.
MutableMessageElement() - Constructor for class MutableMessageElement
messageReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
messageReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Someone has sent us an instant messenger (personal) message.


NAIL_BITING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
NERD - Static variable in interface Emoticons
NOTIFY_GAME - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Notification packet of type GAME
NOTIFY_TYPING - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Notification packet of type TYPING
NOT_TALKING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
NOT_WORTHY - Static variable in interface Emoticons
NULL - Static variable in interface Emoticons
NULL - Static variable in class MessageElement
NoSuchChatroomException - exception NoSuchChatroomException.
Thrown when the API is asked to do something with a chatroom which does not exist.
NoSuchConferenceException - exception NoSuchConferenceException.
Thrown when the API is asked to do something with a conference which does not exist.
newMailReceived(SessionNewMailEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
newMailReceived(SessionNewMailEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Yahoo tells us we have unread Yahoo mail.
notifyReceived(SessionNotifyEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
notifyReceived(SessionNotifyEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Yahoo server wants to notify us of something.


offlineMessageReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in class SessionAdapter
offlineMessageReceived(SessionEvent) - Method in interface SessionListener
Yahoo tells us about a message sent while we were away.


PARTY - Static variable in interface Emoticons
PEACE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
PHBBBBT - Static variable in interface Emoticons
PIG - Static variable in interface Emoticons
PRAYING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
PUMPKIN - Static variable in interface Emoticons


REPEAT - Static variable in class AntiSpam
Message is repeat of recent message.
ROFL - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ROLLING_EYES - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ROOT - Static variable in class MessageElement
ROSE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
refresh() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Forces a re-read of the public and private rooms data for this category.
refreshFriends() - Method in class Session
Sends a request for the friends/groups data to be updated.
refreshStats() - Method in class Session
Requests a refresh of status and new mail count from server.
rejectContact(String, String) - Method in class Session
Reject an offer to be added to a friends list.
removeFriend(String, String) - Method in class Session
Remove a friend from a group.
removeSessionListener(SessionListener) - Method in class Session
Removes a listener object to receive events from the session.
removeTypingNotification(String) - Method in class Session
Clears the AWT component being used for typing notification.
reset() - Method in class Session
Resets a spent session so the object can be re-used.
resetChat() - Method in class Session
Resets a failed chat login.


SAD - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SERVICE_ADDIDENT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_ADDIGNORE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_AUTH - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_AUTHRESP - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CALENDAR - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATCONNECT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATDISCONNECT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATGOTO - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATINVITE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATLEAVE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATLOGOFF - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATLOGON - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATMSG - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATPING - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CHATPM - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONFADDINVITE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONFDECLINE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONFINVITE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONFLOGOFF - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONFLOGON - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONFMSG - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONTACTIGNORE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONTACTNEW - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_CONTACTREJECT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_FILETRANSFER - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_FRIENDADD - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_FRIENDREMOVE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_GAMELOGOFF - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_GAMELOGON - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_GAMEMSG - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_GROUPRENAME - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_IDACT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_IDDEACT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_IDLE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_ISAWAY - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_ISBACK - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_LIST - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_LOGOFF - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_LOGON - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_MAILSTAT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_NEWMAIL - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_NEWPERSONMAIL - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_NOTIFY - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_P2PFILEXFER - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_PASSTHROUGH2 - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_PEERTOPEER - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_PING - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_SYSMESSAGE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_USERSTAT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_VOICECHAT - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_X_BUZZ - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_X_CHATUPDATE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_X_ERROR - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_X_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SERVICE_X_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface ServiceConstants
SHAME_ON_YOU - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SHHH - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SHOCK - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SICK - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SIGH - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SILLY - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SKULL - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SLEEP - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SMILE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SMUG - Static variable in interface Emoticons
SOCKSConnectionHandler - class SOCKSConnectionHandler.
Connection handler for SOCKS proxy connections to Yahoo.
SOCKSConnectionHandler() - Constructor for class SOCKSConnectionHandler
Connect using the Java system properties socksProxyHost and socksProxyPort.
SOCKSConnectionHandler(String, int) - Constructor for class SOCKSConnectionHandler
Connect using a specific SOCKS proxy host and port.
STAR - Static variable in interface Emoticons
STATUS_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_AVAILABLE_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_BAD - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_BADUSERNAME - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_BRB - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_BRB_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_BUSY - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_BUSY_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_CUSTOM - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_CUSTOM_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_IDLE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_IDLE_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_INCOMPLETE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_INVISIBLE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_INVISIBLE_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_LOCKED - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_NOTATDESK - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_NOTATDESK_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_NOTATHOME - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_NOTATHOME_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_NOTINOFFICE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_NOTINOFFICE_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_ONPHONE - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_ONPHONE_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_ONVACATION - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_ONVACATION_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_STEPPEDOUT - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_STEPPEDOUT_STR - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STATUS_TYPING - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
STRAIGHT_FACE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
ServiceConstants - interface ServiceConstants.
Defines constants for each of the network message ('packet') types.
Session - class Session.
Encapsulates one instant message session, using YMSG.
Session() - Constructor for class Session
Creates a single Yahoo session using the best guess connection handler.
Session(ConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class Session
Creates a single Yahoo session, using the prescribed connection handler.
SessionAdapter - class SessionAdapter.
Default implementation of the SessionListener.
SessionAdapter() - Constructor for class SessionAdapter
SessionChatEvent - class SessionChatEvent.
Represents a chatroom event.
SessionChatEvent(Object, int, YahooChatLobby) - Constructor for class SessionChatEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionChatEvent(Object, YahooChatUser, String, YahooChatLobby) - Constructor for class SessionChatEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionConferenceEvent - class SessionConferenceEvent.
Represents a conference event.
SessionConferenceEvent(Object, String, String, String, YahooConference) - Constructor for class SessionConferenceEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionConferenceEvent(Object, String, String, String, YahooConference, YahooUser[]) - Constructor for class SessionConferenceEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionErrorEvent - class SessionErrorEvent.
Encapsulates a high level error.
SessionErrorEvent(Object, String, int) - Constructor for class SessionErrorEvent
SessionEvent - class SessionEvent.
Represents an incoming message type event.
SessionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class SessionEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionEvent(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class SessionEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionEvent(Object, String, String, String) - Constructor for class SessionEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionEvent(Object, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class SessionEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionExceptionEvent - class SessionExceptionEvent.
Represents an exception throw from deep within the API.
SessionExceptionEvent(Object, String, Exception) - Constructor for class SessionExceptionEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionFileTransferEvent - class SessionFileTransferEvent.
Represents an incoming file transfer event.
SessionFileTransferEvent(Object, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class SessionFileTransferEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionFriendEvent - class SessionFriendEvent.
Fired when friend's details have changed.
SessionFriendEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class SessionFriendEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionFriendEvent(Object, YahooUser, String) - Constructor for class SessionFriendEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionListener - interface SessionListener.
This interface defines the callbacks necessary for the jYMSG API to communitcate with the client employing it.
SessionNewMailEvent - class SessionNewMailEvent.
Represents an new mail event.
SessionNewMailEvent(Object, String) - Constructor for class SessionNewMailEvent
Create a new instance.
SessionNotifyEvent - class SessionNotifyEvent.
Represents an incoming notify message event.
SessionNotifyEvent(Object, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class SessionNotifyEvent
Create a new instance.
StatusConstants - interface StatusConstants.
Various handy constants for use with the jYMSG API.
SwingModelFactory - class SwingModelFactory.
A handy class for creating self-updating models for use with Swing's MVC scheme.
SwingModelFactory(Session) - Constructor for class SwingModelFactory
Create a model factory.
saveFileTransferAs(SessionFileTransferEvent, String) - Method in class Session
Saves an incoming file transfer to the specified filename.
saveFileTransferTo(SessionFileTransferEvent, String) - Method in class Session
Saves an incoming file transfer to the specified directory.
sendBuzz(String) - Method in class Session
Sends a buzz message.
sendBuzz(String, YahooIdentity) - Method in class Session
Sends a buzz message, using a specific identity.
sendChatEmote(String) - Method in class Session
Send a message to the current chatroom lobby, marked as an emote.
sendChatMessage(String) - Method in class Session
Send a message to the current chatroom lobby.
sendConferenceMessage(YahooConference, String) - Method in class Session
Sends a message to users in a conference.
sendFileTransfer(String, String, String) - Method in class Session
Send a binary file to the specified Yahoo user.
sendMessage(String, String) - Method in class Session
Sends a message.
sendMessage(String, String, YahooIdentity) - Method in class Session
Sends a message, using a specific identity.
setAbsoluteColour(Color) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Sets content in an absolute colour element.
setDecoderSettings(MessageDecoderSettings) - Method in class MessageDecoder
Provide a settings object for this decoder to work with.
setDefaultFont(String, int, Color) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Convenience method for setting all default font settings at once.
setDefaultFontFace(String) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the default (starting) font face.
setDefaultFontSize(int) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the default (starting) font point size.
setDefaultForeground(Color) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the default (starting) text colour.
setEmoticonLoader(EmoticonLoader) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set an emoticon loader instance.
setEmoticonsDecoded(boolean) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set whether emoticons should be decoded as images, or left as text.
setFont(Font) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Sets content in a font element.
setIndexedColour(int) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Sets content in an indexed colour element.
setLocalePrefix(String) - Static method in class YahooChatCategory
Enables chatroom data from non-US locales to be accessed.
setNamedColour(String) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Sets content in a named colour element.
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class YahooGroup
Sets the open state of this group on the user interface.
setOverrideFont(String, int, int, Color) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Convenience method for setting all overriding font settings at once.
setOverrideFontFace(String) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the overriding font face.
setOverrideForeground(Color) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the overriding text colour.
setOverrideMaxFontSize(int) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the overriding maximum font point size.
setOverrideMinFontSize(int) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Set the overriding minimum font point size.
setRespectTextAlt(boolean) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Determines whether ALT message components will be ignored.
setRespectTextFade(boolean) - Method in class MessageDecoderSettings
Determines whether FADE message components will be ignored.
setStatus(long) - Method in class Session
Sets the status of the Yahoo user.
setStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class Session
Sets the status of the Yahoo user using custom status.
setText(String) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Sets content in a text element.
setTransition(Color[]) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Sets content in a fade or alt element.
size() - Method in class YahooChatRoom
Returns the number of lobbies in this room.


TALK_TO_HAND - Static variable in interface Emoticons
TEE_HEE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
TEXT - Static variable in class MessageElement
THINKING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
TIRED - Static variable in interface Emoticons
TONGUE - Static variable in interface Emoticons
toHTML() - Method in class MessageElement
Translates this decoded message (from this node down) into HTML.
toString() - Method in class DirectConnectionHandler
Returns the string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class HTTPConnectionHandler
Returns the string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SOCKSConnectionHandler
Returns the string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooChatCategory
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooChatLobby
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooChatRoom
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooChatUser
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooConference
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooGroup
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooIdentity
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class YahooUser
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionChatEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionConferenceEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionErrorEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionExceptionEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionFileTransferEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionFriendEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionNewMailEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class SessionNotifyEvent
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class MessageElement
Returns a string representation of this object.
toText() - Method in class MessageElement
Translates this decoded message (from this node down) into plain text.
toYahooChat() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Translates this message structure (from this node down) into a Yahoo chat message.
toYahooChat(boolean) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Translates this message structure (from this node down) into a Yahoo chat message.
toYahooIM() - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Translates this message structure (from this node down) into a Yahoo instant message.
toYahooIM(boolean) - Method in class MutableMessageElement
Translates this message structure (from this node down) into a Yahoo instant message.


UNDERLINE - Static variable in class MessageElement
UNSTARTED - Static variable in interface StatusConstants
Session status.


WAITING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
WHEW - Static variable in interface Emoticons
WHISTLING - Static variable in interface Emoticons
WINK - Static variable in interface Emoticons
WORRIED - Static variable in interface Emoticons


YMSG9BadFormatException - exception YMSG9BadFormatException.
Is thrown when the jYMSG API fails to decode an incoming packet due to incorrect or unexpected formatting.
YahooChatCategory - class YahooChatCategory.
Represents a chatroom category.
YahooChatCategory() - Constructor for class YahooChatCategory
YahooChatLobby - class YahooChatLobby.
Represents a single chat lobby.
YahooChatLobby() - Constructor for class YahooChatLobby
YahooChatRoom - class YahooChatRoom.
Represents a single chat room, either public (Yahoo owned) or private (user owned).
YahooChatRoom() - Constructor for class YahooChatRoom
YahooChatUser - class YahooChatUser.
Wraps a regular user object to provide the extra information provided by a chat user.
YahooChatUser() - Constructor for class YahooChatUser
YahooConference - class YahooConference.
Represents an instant messaging conference.
YahooConference() - Constructor for class YahooConference
YahooException - exception YahooException.
Abstract top level class for all Yahoo exceptions.
YahooGroup - class YahooGroup.
Represents a single group of users on the friends list.
YahooGroup() - Constructor for class YahooGroup
YahooIdentity - class YahooIdentity.
Represents an alias to the current Yahoo account.
YahooIdentity() - Constructor for class YahooIdentity
YahooUser - class YahooUser.
Represents a single Yahoo user that the API knows about.
YahooUser() - Constructor for class YahooUser
ymsg.network - package ymsg.network
ymsg.network.event - package ymsg.network.event
ymsg.support - package ymsg.support